Namaste Dear Friends!
I’ve been in India for 2 weeks now… and am having a fabulous time with so many “firsts” for me in each day! Amritapuri Ashram is truly beyond description… as is Amma herself! And thousands of people from many parts of the world are here to be touched by her Presence & transformed by her teachings & spiritual practices. “Inspirational” is a word that falls far short of my experience of the Ashram, as well as the immense Being of Light and Compassion who is the center and essence of it all. AMRITA means “Divine Bliss” or “Ambrosia”. Here’s more about the Ashram:
I’ve been in India for 2 weeks now… and am having a fabulous time with so many “firsts” for me in each day! Amritapuri Ashram is truly beyond description… as is Amma herself! And thousands of people from many parts of the world are here to be touched by her Presence & transformed by her teachings & spiritual practices. “Inspirational” is a word that falls far short of my experience of the Ashram, as well as the immense Being of Light and Compassion who is the center and essence of it all. AMRITA means “Divine Bliss” or “Ambrosia”. Here’s more about the Ashram:

To get a glimpse of the incredible service projects, institutions, and other schools and programs that Amma has created and manages in India and beyond, you might want to check out another website about “Embracing the World”:
Twice I received “Darshan” from Amma, a hug and blessing for which people line up for hours to receive. It was beautiful and impactful for me. She also gave me (at my request) a personal mantra to use as part of my ongoing spiritual practice. My mantra (in Sanskrit) is perfect for me and I find it very grounding and centering to use silently throughout my day. I also took a 2-day retreat/workshop learning Amma’s “I AM” meditation practice (Integrated Amrita Meditation). I find this practice to be of a high vibration: expansive, nourishing, and a beautiful way to begin each morning. It includes some yoga asanas, pranayama (conscious breathing patterns), visualizations, chants, and several energetic processes. You may find that someone in your local community teaches it.
The Ashram is located on a peninsula between the Arabian Sea and the Kerala Backwaters… so water on both sides of the Ashram. It is such a beautiful tropical locale! Twice a week, during sunset, Amma leads deep guided and silent meditation on the ocean beach under the palm trees… how idyllic! And then answers questions with a translator. The unique foot bridge was built by the Ashram to go over the backwaters to the closest village. Some of Amma’s educational and health care institutions are located in the village.
The rhythm of the Ashram life also includes many sacred ceremonies with lots of oil lamps, flowers, chanting, prayer, ritual and blessed food. There are also evening "Bajans", singing devotional chants with accompaniment by tabla, harmonium, cymbals, and powerful voices... with words in Sanskrit, Malayalam, and translations displayed in English. Ashram guests are expected to perform "seva" or service... my seva was pricing shawls for sale during international tours... as a fundraising for Embracing the World programs. Meals are always an adventure... and the food was delicious and healthy. I would love to spend a longer time there in the future. Truly an awesomely wonderful place and experience. I feel very blessed and full and expect to be integrating the experience for a long time!
One of my favourite explorations is of the Amritapuri Ayurvedic Hospital near the Ashram… a university training in Ayurvedic Medicine as well as a hospital and outpatient clinic. I went for a consultation about my long-time “leaky eye” concern -- and was amazed by how well I was diagnosed. I went daily for 2 Ayurvedic treatment procedures for my eyes… which involved lots of therapeutic oils, face & eye massage, and some unique sinus purging techniques. Unbelievably nurturing and relaxing! And for incredibly low cost in Canadian dollars! I feel deeply blessed indeed! Amma’s goal is to have this hospital show the potency of ancient Ayurvedic medicine for the modern world… I am very impressed with this!
On December 13th, I was interviewed (from my room at the Ashram) on LOVE YOUR LIFE SHOW. Between India and Peru the interview had lots of technical challenges and therefore the video is of poor quality. Too bad as it was a fun lively interview. I posted it below if you want to check it out... the last third of it is fairly clear....
On December 13th, I was interviewed (from my room at the Ashram) on LOVE YOUR LIFE SHOW. Between India and Peru the interview had lots of technical challenges and therefore the video is of poor quality. Too bad as it was a fun lively interview. I posted it below if you want to check it out... the last third of it is fairly clear....
As my pilgrimage in India continues I will send out videos, emails, photos as I am able!
AUM NAMAHA SHIVAYA (God be with you) --- AND Merry Christmas!
AUM NAMAHA SHIVAYA (God be with you) --- AND Merry Christmas!